Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Japanese bullets

 asterisk * 9/28

17 lesson in

appears as if adding "ta" as in wakarimashita is implying something that has happened >>> arigatou goziamashita thank you for coming, it's appreciated that you came

i still need  to nail down spelling i hope these  are correct :/

too, excessive >> e.g. ososugimasu or takasugimasu   = it's too late and it's to much which can be negated by sen as in takasugimasen meaning it's not to much look for "sugimasu"

hmm "tai and imasu, " tai as in nomitai is wanting to e.g. wanting to drink tabetai wanting to eat then there is "nomimasu" going to drink or something then you have things like  "nani o shimasu ka " which akin to what are you going to do